Tuesday, February 21

Next Please...

There are some lyrics from one of Dido's songs that talk about her life "being for rent." For the past week or so, I've been thinking of these lyrics a lot because there is an essential truth within them. Due to some circumstances that some know about and some don't, I feel more than ever that my life is for rent. It's a bunch of time and space that has been allotted to me, and it's up to me what I do with it. I think I've known this for quite awhile, but a recent event just made me start thinking more seriously about it.

I'm not sure why, but it seems that American culture has teased out the element of fun and enjoyment that can be a vital part of one's working experience. My goal at this point is to reincorporate that fun and excitement into my career goals. Why do something that's boring and run-of-the-mill? Because it's accepted? Because it's easiest to attain? Those are huge factors, I believe, in most peoples' minds.

I've decided to take this phase of my life and reconstruct and reimagine my future (career goals, aspirations, etc.). My move to Philadelphia has opened my mind to so very many possibilities, and I now see how easy it is to enjoy life. I will hold these lessons close as I move on because I believe them to be keys to happiness. But, what I've realized I need is a momentary pause to do some soul searching. I am not where I want to be with a lot of things, so the only way to remedy this is kick life down a gear and take the time to figure things out. No one else can do this for me, and I've begun to see how I've taken ownership of interests and passions that are not truly my own...they're those that have happened to be projected on me for most of my life. They're not necessarily bad...they're just not mine. What I have discovered is that there are things that I truly desire, and the more I make those things a part of my life, the happier I am. In addition, and perhaps most importantly...I guess I want to have the best career I can, but I'm seeing that there are so many other important elements of life. This will be a rocky next few months...but maybe exciting, too.

Who knew that John Mayer had valid song material with talk of a quarterlife crisis?!

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