Sunday, May 7

The Shore

Being from West Virginia, I normally made references to going "downstate" for vacation. There were also many people around me who would refer to the same. Upon my arrival in Philadelphia, I learned new vacation jargon: the shore. Everyone refers to the shore, and everyone goes to the shore. And my first inclination upon hearing this reference was to ask, "Which part of the shore? In fact, what shore? Are we on the shore?" Well, the obvious answer to the last one is no. But, we are within a very reasonable distance from the Jersey shore. In fact, the first day that I woke up in my new Philadelphia home, my friend, Pamela, and I hit the road for the Jersey shore.

Did I know what a huge Philly step I was taking? Heck no! I had suggested we put off going downtown to save my nerves any further permanent damage. So, after thinking on it during the drive out, I suggested we go to the beach for a day instead. I was never even a huge fan of the beach as a kid because I'd get all sunburned, my feet would get burnt from walking on the hot sand--to sum it up, I was a miserable beach companion. But, after endless nights of no sleep in preparation for my move, I thought that a day of lounging on the beach, listening to the seagulls and the crashing waves would be good. And it was.

The other part of that story is that I have become obsessed with the shore now. I have yearned to go back since my one day in Cape May. But, what I've realized is that the Jersey shore is a concept of epic proportions here in Philadelphia. And what makes me happy is that, seemingly overnight, I have turned from a cold-hearted beach-hater to one who adores it. In addition to holding great sentimental value, I will always look at the Jersey shore as something that helped make me feel like I fit out here.

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