Monday, January 30

Food is Love

I find myself thinking about food a lot lately. As I did some soul searching about why this is, I realized how much food truly is the center of my life. Why do I love food so much? Besides the fact that food is a basic human need, I think that it has, and maybe has been for centuries, an object at the very center of human socialization. I want to know how many sets of friends or how many families are out there who can find social activities that don't begin, include, or end with some form of taking in food or drink. I know for myself, the top three answers to someone (a friend) asking me what I would like to do are: 1)go out to eat, 2)go have coffee, or 3)go get a dessert. To be completely honest, I don't think I want that to change.

So, in trying to build on this discovery about my love affair with food, I've decided to try to learn how to cook. I am pretty good when it comes to baking, but I've never strayed too far from things such as Pasta Roni and Mac n Cheese when it comes to cooking. This should be an interesting new adventure...who knows, maybe I've gotta an inner Julia Childs just waiting to escape from the caverns of my soul. Please feel free to submit a recipe because food is love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Court,

Good idea learning how to cook. When I come to Bryn Mawr in March to visit, you can prepare dinner for us.

