Tuesday, December 13

In Memoriam: Furry Lessons on Life

Meet Bella.  Bella was a loyal member of my family who came into my life early last fall and, sadly, departed last Friday.  Her brief but precious presence has left me with several new and beautiful insights about this life. 

Life is truly a miracle.  Bella suffered a terrible case of hepatitis/pancreatitis.  We're not positive what caused the issue and never will be.  But, in a very real way, Bella's struggle reminded me of how miraculous it is when our bodies operate properly and fully.  There is such an incredible balance and impeccably designed framework that maintains our every day on Earth. 

Life is connection.  Connections can be a double-edged sword.  They sustain us, foster happiness and lend meaning to our lives.  But, they can also result in extreme heartache and struggle.  A friend's words conjured up real meaning for me in the seemingly senseless loss of my connection with Bella.  "Just remember these things are part of life and ensure we experience the total depth of life as humans in our short time on this little blue marble."  So, connection is depth, and that depth carries through to the end, regardless of outcome.

Life is love.  When I think of this phrase, I think of what I learned about the symbolism of the cross in Christianity.  The vertical portion is about our relationship with God (or your choice of higher power).  The horizontal is about our relationships with one another.  This is the overarching meaning in life.  Know these relationships and support them with all the love you have to give.

Life is mercy.  Giving of ourselves what we can in order to lessen the loads of others is so important always.  But, as I look back at the times I've had to care for the sick, those times mark the pinnacle of purpose in this world.  In my own experience, I can say I've lost total sense of self and become consumed only by a concern for other.  Again, this can be a very painful experience, but also an incredibly meaningful one.       

Life is beauty.  I don't speak of this in a materialistic sense but more a philosophical or aesthetic sense.  Bella was a sample of God's amazing artistry in my eyes.  Her physical beauty was stunning.  But, even more, her gentle nature and elegant movements never ceased to catch my attention and remind me of how beautiful this life really is.   

And so I close with a heavy but humbled heart.  My hope is that many many others have the same opportunity to experience amazing and beautiful souls in this world.  In my view, this "little blue marble" sure has the potential to support a large number of them. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

You summed it up perfectly........Life is very short and we need to enjoy EVERY LITTLE MOMENT, no matter how insignificant it seems, all moments are special. I am so glad that we all were able to experience Bella's presence, albeit very short, very meaningful. Enjoy the PRESENT moment, it's the most important!!!!