Friday, February 24

Furry Friday Edition

Today was a big day!  Lotus the Cat and I introduced our newest furry family member to our happy little clan.  Tucker the Goldendoodle joined our household, and I couldn't be happier with the initial hours of his first day. 

The process of searching for and finding the right pup was fun from the beginning.  After finding Renee the Breeder at Yesteryear Acres, I knew phase one of the search was complete.  Renee exudes nothing but happy and positive vibes when it comes to her dogs, and she and her husband and three children have made the doodle breeding business into an incredibly warm and loving family business.  The dogs are all as much a part of their family as each human member is, which is what I envisioned for my own canine companion.

I started exchanging e-mails with Renee at the end of November, and by the time I received her announcement for the arrival of Tucker's litter, I knew I was ready to take the plunge.  Since confirming my puppy the second week of January, I've literally counted down the days until his arrival.  A further demonstration of my anticipation manifested this week as a "sleeps" countdown.  So, beginning Sunday, I had 5 sleeps until picking up my new baby Tucker.  Every week between his birth and arrival, Renee would provide new pictures, so Monday picture days also became exciting events that stirred anticipation as early as Fridays before.   

After an incredibly fun trip to visit the puppies last weekend, the fun continued on today's journey to meet Renee and retrieve Tucker.  My mom and young nephew joined me, and we started the day off with fresh donuts and plenty of laughter.  After an uneventful drive home, Tucker and I settled in with Lotus.  I wasn't sure how Lotus would react, but he put his game face on and was a trooper.  He showed initial moments of trepidation, but I pet his head and encouraged him to fully explore Tucker, which he did, and that was the end of the trepidation.  This may be his equivalent of "fake it till you make it," but I'm pleased with his ability to do so.  Tucker appeared almost relieved to see a fellow four-legged furry friend, so it looks as though a happy friendship will blossom. 

Today has been a humble reminder of how much love is in this world to embrace, and it can be found in the smallest little packages.  I can't wait to watch Tucker grow and discover more of the world, and with any luck, this will prove a very happy and healthy forever home for him.

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