Thursday, February 2


It is not a common occurrence that A Tribute to Life post will include blatant political instruction.  However, I have to beg of you, vote for whoever you want in the upcoming presidential election.  But, please, whatever you do, please do not look to The Donald as your voting compass.  I would argue that you should probably do your research and vote based on your own conclusions, not necessarily voting based on any one's endorsement.

This man is a towering figure in popular culture.  He has a reality television show (the sole thing keeping him from running for president, so maybe, just maybe, once May comes, he'll toss his hat in), he is a business mogul, he has a litter of children and has had numerous wives, he has bad hair, he relentlessly pursued further on the Obama birth debate (as if this country should prioritize that in the last portion of Obama's presidency and at an otherwise pretty busy time of real concerns).  You can do better.  Seriously.  Be bold. 

In fact, on this day of annual celebration of Groundhog Day, perhaps we can just quickly ask Punxsutawney Phil to let us know which Republican should be on the ticket.  Now that sounds like a more acceptable solution.        

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