Saturday, February 4

Like This

As I scanned the CNN News website today, I came across the announcement of Betty Friedan's death. It made me think for a minute about how cool people like her can be...just fascinating characters. For those who may not recognize her name, she was the author of a groundbreaking feminist work titled The Feminist Mystique. She was a real jetsetter when it came to feminism in America. Now, I know that not everyone can fully appreciate radical types of representation...feminism, ultra-politics, ethics, etc. However, I think all figures in those areas can be seen as pretty successful in a general light. Here's what I mean...

To find one's niche in life is great. But, to become a leader in that area, and a well-respected leader, is pretty fantastic. What this means is one both gets to love what they do in life and leave an indelible mark on society. In Betty Friedan's case, there may be many who never respect her work in feminism, but there will be just as many people who swear by it. And even better, there will be people like me who have to rely on her expertise, left behind in only the written form now, in order to complete their own lines of research. What the article on Betty Friedan made me see is that I want to be successful the way she was...I want to do something that I both whole-heartedly believe in and feel passionate about, and I want to do it well, standing out amongst the rest of my colleagues (whomever they may be). What a fulfilling life that would be.

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