Friday, December 16

The Turning Over of a New Blog Leaf: Welcome Back

Welcome back, Tribute to Life readers! What a great feeling to be returning to the blog. I've thought about it so much over the past month, missing my blogging time. I have been very busy, though, with the end of my first semester of graduate studies and lots of Borders work time. I'll try to be brief and catch you all up on the latest and greatest:

Big thing #1: I had a wonderful surprise holiday visitor for Thanksgiving. A week or so before, a friend from Wheeling, Pamela (the poor soul who helped me move out here), braved the busy airports and flew out for a couple of days. I have to admit that nothing makes one feel more normal in a "new" place than to have the old and the new meet. Let me explain. Some days, as wonderful as every last one of my friends is here, it feels like I've entered the realm of the surreal. I have no more than a 3 month history with any one person, I live with an individual who was a complete stranger months ago, I drive down roads that are nothing like the ones from home, I tell people I'm from WV and they gaze at me like I'm from a different planet...and the list goes on. So, having the chance to have the comfort of a friend from home in the confines of my new home was a big relief. We basically ate our way through Bryn Mawr, Wayne, and Ardmore. Afterwards, I realized it was just what my struggling and restless soul called for...

Big Thing #2: Pamela's visit helped me realize what I had come here for in the first place, and, even more so, why I had come here for that. What I'm, of course, referring to is school. I think it was normal that I went through a stage of distraction, being out on my own in a very fun place for the first time ever. But, I also knew I was straying from my core purpose. What Pamela helped me do as we chatted was realize that it's fine to allow friends, work, etc., provide the garnish, but I do have a responsibility--both to myself and Villanova University. So, as soon as she flew home, I put my plan of action to work, beginning the adventure of my first graduate seminar paper. I don't think I've ever had so little sleep, and I don't think I ever care to repeat that sleep-deprived experience again. The way to prevent that: begin the seminar papers more than 3 weeks in advance.

Big Thing #3: I've reached a balance here. I still love my job--am putting in many extra holiday hours because the others with whom I work are like family and my customers (at least most of them) are incredible people. I still miss some of the things from home, but I'm not as disturbed by those feelings on a daily basis. Since I turned my seminar paper in Monday, I've decided to use the break to get re-centered and reaquainted with what I want to be doing with my life. Like what am I working through this program for? Asking myself these types of questions that lend a little direction.

To those from home who have stayed in touch and continued to be loyal, thank you--you're irreplaceable. To those of you who I have met here in Philadelphia, thank you--you're irreplaceable. Now that we're caught up, back to the daily blog observations tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever you've been taking send me some, will ya'? Between unpacking in CO and working in AZ and trying to calm the waters back home OH...I'm a bit frayed at the ends!

Really, I'm doing just fine and want to talk to you soon.