Monday, March 6


For those of you who do not know, I'm hanging out at home right now...which also explains the irregularity in postings. Spring break proved much needed this year. After several months of reshaping and remolding, I felt a real drive to get back home and remind myself of some of my roots.

Everytime I make the trip home, I get all sentimental and homesick in preparation for my return to Philadelphia. The funny thing, though, is that I know in my heart that I need to return to Philadelphia...there hasn't once been a convincing thought of returning home. I have, however, learned some pretty valuable lessons in growing up.

I've always been a big preacher of getting over fears and living a full life. I have to admit I developed a fear of my own over the past couple of years, though, and that was the fear of flying. I was thankfully placed in a situation, though, where I had to either choose to allow this fear to cheat me out of time with those whom I love or just make myself beat it. I chose the latter, and I'm so happy I did. Not only did I get to come home this time pretty effortlessly, but I also have realized how much easier it makes it for me to live between Philadelphia and Wheeling. This doesn't even take into account how the world will open back up to me for fun trips, too.

Another thing I've learned from this time away is how important, albeit arduous, it is to preserve a personal balance and devote time to keeping my focus. It's so easy to be distracted, but I have realized how I must remain true to myself in order to be happy and a better person all around. And while it's great fun to live life to its fullest, it's also important to recognize your personal boundaries and keep your priorities in mind. That is, after all, what makes you you, right?

So, I guess old age (ha!) is bringing the wisdom of balance and moderation.

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