Wednesday, November 21

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving ranks as one of my favorite holidays.  Some of my favorite things are a part of the holiday--like delicious comfort foods and the favorite niece and nephews.  Unlike Christmas, there is so much less pressure.  No frantic gift buying and giving, so no resulting panic over gift buying debt or getting it just right.  No multiple day celebration, wearing everyone out and producing the holiday fatigue cloud.

One of my favorite ways to spend time is cooking and baking.  Without ever really noticing it until recently, I've also developed an affinity for doing so in the company of others.  If you've never tried cooking or baking with your friends or family, you really must.  The kitchen is the equivalent of my adult tree house.  I hide out there with my favorite people, feeling nothing but elation over the opportunity to huddle in the company of others in the warm, delicious-smelling homiest part of home.  Even more, I love creating good eats with others.  Whether we're all individually responsible or working with one another on goodies, it's always a team effort that, in the end, can be appreciated as such.

The smells of Thanksgiving immediately stir good memories and excitement for me.  I know many candle companies capture the individual smells of the holidays, but I really think someone needs to capture the symphony of smells that come together with the roasting turkey in the oven.  Whether it's the stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie, they all partner perfectly.  These smells together can take the likes of an empty bomb shelter and transform it into a cozy home, fire burning in the fireplace and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade playing in the background.

There has been only one occasion when I have not made it home for the holiday.  I was a starving student in Philadelphia, and I honestly don't even recall what I ate that holiday with my out of town guest.  What I recall best is working the aisles of Borders Books & Music (yes, they still existed) on Black Friday, wondering why I had just missed out on my favorite holiday ever at home.

And so this year, as I gather at the table with my family, I will be very thankful for the great privilege of gathering with them in a warm, cozy setting, with all of the smells of Thanksgiving cradling us in our celebration.  And while I usually pause at some point in each day, amazed by my great fortune in this life, tomorrow, I will pause to be grateful for my Thanksgiving Day fortune of being right where I want to be.

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