Saturday, December 24

A Christmas Tribute to Memories

While I have dedicated some space here and there on my blog in honor of specific individuals, my trip home has reminded me of how special one particular person in Wheeling was to me...and always will be. Just as I'm spending this holiday being grateful for all of my friends--both new and old--I think it's best to blog about the one person who has been weighing on my mind since I arrived here in Wheeling.

My friend, Cindy, whom I met as a budding teenager about 10 years or so ago, was and remains a cornerstone in my life. Unfortunately, when I met her, she was in remission from Hodgkin's Disease, a commonly cured type of cancer. The unfortunate part was not that she was in remission, rather it was that the disease would prove insurmountable in force. After a bone marrow transplant, several years of chemotherapy and radiation, and years of being in and out of remission, she died on July 19th, 1998. Instead of dwelling on the details of her death, however, I think it's best to try to relay what made her such an unforgettable human presence in the lives of so many.

I think most people would like to think that when they do exit this earth, they'll leave behind some type of legacy whether through their family line or not. Cindy's legacy as an unbelievable teacher--in so many ways--will live on, and I can say this because she's proven the most influential compass in my life and she's been gone for over 7 years now. What did she teach? Well, she taught, through both her words and actions, that a genuine, unconditional love is what fosters happiness. She showed this towards everyone in her life, and the effects it had were so clear as everyone gathered to celebrate her life that July. She was just a soul, a very young one, but she touched so many. The epithet on her grave, "She taught us all," properly communicates her influence in my life and the lives of others. She's the first thing I think of upon entering Wheeling now, and her memory was never something I could shake before moving away from here.

My tribute this Christmas, though, is to express the joy that still lingers in my soul from this meeting from many years ago. She may be gone, and there will always be a piece of me that will crave her presence, but her lessons and spirit are here. It took many years, but I am now able to look for the same sort of fulfillment in friends again, and I've been blessed to find it readily available to me. Cindy taught me how good friendship can be and how important it is to realize its value. I only hope I can serve others as well and effortlessly as she did. What an awesome example to have available.

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