Friday, March 17

Picture of Contentment

As I read the Vanity Fair article on Natalie Portman today, I started thinking about what a truly awesome person she is. I try to rarely, if ever, go googly-eyed over a Hollywood star (if anything, I stick to fairly obscure public figures like Roland Barthes), but I would call this googly-eyed--just admitted admiration for the life someone is leading.

What I really like about the article is it really allows you to see the humanity behind Natalie Portman's public image. The article accentuates some very small but very meaningful facts--like Natalie wears Converse shoes day in and day out, refuses to eat or wear animal stuff due to her choice to be a vegetarian, wears cheapo jewelry for the big events, etc.

It also discusses her days at Harvard a bit, allowing one to get an idea of how others received her and how she presented herself. But, the greatest thing about all of these details combined, is you learn how truly solid Natalie Portman remains despite her incredibly fortunate slot in life. She is a very powerful Natalie first, and then she deals with the rest. She has clearly done exactly what she has wanted to do and just the way she has wanted to do it--nothing better! The reason I like this so much? Well, because I have to say that I think it's tough being a solid human being with a set of morals and values without having my face plastered all over public and every move analyzed and picked apart. So now, I can just use Natalie Portman as one of my many little "notes to self." If you have access to the article, it is a great read, and much can be learned.

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